
Placeholder text for story intro.

Choose a class:

Guardians of the wild, the Forest Class embodies the essence of nature. Their connection to the living world grants them the power to control plants, command animals, and harness the energy of the forest. These druids and rangers have a deep understanding of the natural order, healing allies with herbal remedies and summoning nature's wrath to strike down their foes. Whether it's through swift strikes with a bow or calling forth ancient tree spirits, those who walk the path of the Forest are a force of life and renewal.

Wielders of dark power, the Death Class walks the thin line between life and the afterlife. They draw their strength from the shadows and the inevitable end that awaits all. With the ability to drain life force, raise the dead, and curse their enemies, these necromancers and reapers are feared on the battlefield. Their presence chills the air, and their words carry the weight of the grave. Death Class warriors are a reminder that all things must end, and they hold the keys to the realms beyond. To follow the path of Death is to embrace the finality of existence and command it.

Masters of the skies, the Air Class moves with the grace of the wind. They are agile and swift, capable of summoning powerful gusts to disorient their enemies or provide themselves with a swift escape. With their keen sense of the atmosphere, they can manipulate the weather, calling forth lightning storms or cloaking themselves in dense fog. Air Class warriors are often seen as messengers of change, their presence heralding swift action and unpredictable outcomes. To fight alongside an Air Class is to feel the freedom of the open sky, to fight against them is to be swept away by a relentless storm.

Solid and unyielding, the Earth Class draws its strength from the very bones of the world. These warriors and defenders are as enduring as the mountains and as resilient as stone. With the ability to manipulate the ground beneath their feet, they can create barriers, shape landscapes, or cause the earth to quake. Their skin can harden like rock, providing unparalleled defense in battle. Earth Class members are steadfast allies and formidable foes, standing as the unbreakable wall between their enemies and their goals. In their presence, one feels the timeless weight of the world itself.